Let’s Improve Mental Health
in Sumter County
Better Mental Health leads to Healthier Living
“Mental Health” refers to a state of psychological and emotional well-being. It describes our ability to handle emotions and feelings, deal with stress, maintain stable and caring relationships, and participate in a community. Genetics, life experiences, social support, and environment can all impact our mental health.
Risk factors:
Identifying the things affecting our mental health isn’t always easy. We can experience psychological echoes of early life trauma or abuse. Stresses of chronic medical conditions or drug/alcohol abuse can build up over time. Or we may experience feelings of loneliness and isolation without family or community nearby.
Goal of improving Mental Health:
Left untreated, many mental health conditions can contribute to physical discomfort. By proactively seeking help, we can improve our physical health and elevate feelings of happiness, productivity, and satisfaction in our personal and professional lives.
Americans experience some form of mental illness each year.
Americans live with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression.
of Sumter County residents rank mental health as the most important health problem in their community.
Take Action
Things to do to help improve mental health.
If a friend or loved one is struggling with their mental health…

Listen without judgment
Offer them the space to express their thoughts and feelings without giving answers. Instead of trying to fix their problems, tell them you understand their emotions and offer empathy.

Show Support
Let them know they’re not alone, and you’re there for them. Offer to attend a therapy session or a support group with them if they’re interested.

Educate Yourself
Learning more about their mental health condition can help you understand what they’re experiencing, offer more effective support, and avoid unhelpful or harmful words and actions.

Take care of yourself
Supporting someone struggling with mental health issues can be emotionally taxing. Assess your own mental health routinely and seek support from friends or a mental health professional if needed.
If you’re struggling with your mental health, consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor. They can help you develop coping strategies and provide guidance and support. These are some of the resources available at the local and state level.
Georgia Crisis Access Line – 24/7
Serving all of Georgia
Georgia Crisis Text Line – 24/7
Text LISTEN to 741741
Serving all of Georgia
Middle Flint Behavior Healthcare – Americus
229-931-2493 / 1-866-348-6296
415 North Jackson Street
Americus, GA
Beautiful Minds Clubhouse GA APEX Program*
*Serves Sumter County Youth Ages 6-15
209 Habitat Street
Americus, GA
Agency Name
Phone Number
Georgia Crisis Access Line – 24/7
Serving all of Georgia
Georgia Crisis Text Line – 24/7
Text LISTEN to 741741
Serving all of Georgia
229-931-2493 / 1-866-348-6296
415 North Jackson Street
Americus, GA
Beautiful Minds Clubhouse GA APEX Program*
*Serves Sumter County Youth Ages 6-15
209 Habitat Street
Americus, GA
All Middle Flint BHC Offices are open Monday-Friday, 8AM-5PM. If you or a loved one are in immediate crisis, please call 911. If you are experiencing a crisis after hours and need help, please contact the Georgia Crisis Access Line for 24/7 support.